Monday, December 29, 2008

Microsoft Office Accounting Professional 2008

. Monday, December 29, 2008

Microsoft® Office Accounting Professional 2008 is a complete accounting solution for small businesses.

Office Accounting 2008 looks and works like Microsoft Office Word, Excel and Outlook®, so you can be comfortable right from the start. Integration with other Microsoft Office programs means you can save items and work more efficiently right out of the box.

Save Time and Work More Efficiently
To a small business, time is money. Small business owners cannot afford to spend a lot of time learning new software. Office Accounting Professional 2008 is easy to learn and use because it has the familiar look and feel of other Microsoft Office programs. Office Accounting Professional 2008 integrates tightly with other Microsoft Office system programs so you save time managing everyday tasks and work more efficiently.
• Easy to learn and use.
Office Accounting Professional 2008 is intuitive and easy to use. The Resource Centre provides a single place to find helpful information. It includes an accountant finder, demonstrations, community tools, and additional product resources that get your company set up and working right away.

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

YouTube Giring Video Berkualitas Tinggi

. Sunday, December 21, 2008

YouTube kini hadir dengan fitur baru yang menggiring penggunanya untuk menonton video berkualitas tinggi alias High Definition (HD). Sebuah halaman khusus untuk video HD pun diluncurkan.

Pada halaman baru tersebut, YouTube HD Player kini mempunyai tampilan dengan format layar lebar yang mungkin akan memenuhi tampilan browser anda. Sebelum ada halaman khusus HD, YouTube menampilkan pilihan 'watch in HD' melalui link di bawah video.

Bersamaan dengan itu, YouTube juga memberikan penjelasan tentang bagaimana memutar video HD. Situs yang dimiliki oleh Google itu juga memberi tips untuk menghindari 'windowboxing', yaitu kotak hitam yang mengelilingi gambar.

YouTube juga sedang bereksperimen dengan jenis halaman khusus lainnya. Eksperimen itu mencakup tiga kategori yaitu: Berita, Film dan Musik.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Barring USB Flash Disks From Work

. Monday, December 15, 2008

The last few years we have found a growth in sales of the fancy looking USB flash drives. They have been made as small as a keychain figurine or a tie clip. Yes, USB flash drives to don on your tie. Now that these flash drives have made their way to everyone because of the affordable pricing, numerous workplaces are banning them from the office. It is one of the best ways to steal company information without anyone acknowledging. Many companies have got as far as disabling the USB ports on employees computers. This may seem a little extreme, but companies have got to protect their data.
Although many businesses give these tiny units to their employees for advertisement purposes, they are not granted to use them in the workplace. They are essentially given as an advertizement with the company logo on them for others to see. There are so many harmful impacts that these flash drives can have on a business. Because of their different sizes and designs, business organisations have decided to pull the plug on the USB ports. You might look at an someones keychain and think that tiny gizmo they have is slick, but that cute little gadget could ruin your business organisation.

This type of thieving and the creation of the USB flash drives brought worry from many business organisations and individuals likewise. What if you are someone that carries round a USB flash drive in their bag or on a keychain would misplace the unit? All data would be lost and available to anyone who gets the flash drive. This makes concern for how to properly store the flash drives that have classified info recorded. Carrying around a flash drive is just like carrying around your credit card. If you misplace it, you are susceptible to fraud.

For the most part, flash drives have allowed people to download pictures and files and free up room on the laptop or the desktop computer. These are also valuable in the event you would lose information on your computer due to a hacker or a computer virus. In this case, the USB flash drives are highly necessary. You can buy different sized flash drives to hold different amounts of information. If you download a large amount of data, you may need a USB flash drive that can hold all the files or more than one.

New engineering has enhanced the function of the computer for more than one reason. People can now use flash drives for data file storage and businesses can store vital data on these drives in order to hold it safe from likely security leaks. Although business organisations ban the use of the flash drives from employees, the company themselves do use these as ways to convey business during travels. They can make presentations and rather carrying a laptop computer along on their trips, they just take the flash drive.

Nowadays, with the high security in airports, it is perpetually important to check with new security rules before trying to take a flash drive on an aeroplane to make sure it will be accepted. In most cases, you will find that they are permitted. Other business fears the flash drives are a valued and useful little piece of technology that will help oneself protect sensitive files and information.

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jualan Link lewat Ask2link

. Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Satu lagi bisnis jualan link, mungkin teman-teman sudah pada tahu, mirip dengan TLA dan backlink, namanya, mengapa bukan request2link ya. Persyaratan untuk ikutan program ini sangat mudah, blog saya yang PR 2 dan 3, alxea 1 - 2 juta langsung di aprrove.

Setelah di approve, anda harus memasang code iklan, dalam waktu 24 jam link akan aktif, berupa 3 buah link yang isinya refer blogger, website ask2link, dan refer advertiser.

Persyaratan untuk ikut program ini: blog dengan PR minimal satu.

Plathform blog apa saja yang bisa memasang ask2link?

They support Wordpress-powered blogs, PHP, Ruby, Perl, JSP, and also and Blogs so sign up now with Ask2link.

Pembayaran melalui paypal, jadi bagi yang belum punya paypal, bisa mendaftar paypal di sini, kalau belum punya kredit card, pilih saja type personal.

Penghasilan? Memang masih sepi, tapi saya sudah ada pemasang yang masuk, nilainya 6 dolar (satu dolar per link di bagi dua) per bulan untuk satu link. Kelebihan program text link kebanyakan advertiser memasang lebih dari satu bulan.

Buat yang sulit diapprove text link ads, ask2link bisa jadi alternatif.

Selamat mencoba....

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Saturday, December 6, 2008

EA Perkuat Posisi di Ranah Game Online Asia

. Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jakarta - Electronic Art (EA) kian mengkokohkan ekspansinya di pasar game online Asia. Setelah kemarin baru menyelesaikan proses akuisisi terhadap pengembang game online Korea Selatan J2MSoft Inc. Jon Niermann, Presiden EA Asia seperti dilansir gamespo, Sabtu (6/12/2008) menyatakan, akuisisi ini merupakan langkah strategis EA dalam menjadi pengembang dan publisher game online di Asia. Meski J2M telah memiliki game online kreasi mereka sendiri, seperti RayCity, Taan & Debut, namun EA juga menginginkan dapat mengembangkan game online yang berbasis EA franchise. Pun demikian, kreasi game online J2M tetap dilanjutkan.
Sayangnya, kedua pihak -- baik EA ataupun J2M -- tidak memberikan konfirmasi mengenai berapa nilai akuisisi yang terjadi antar keduanya.

Langkah bisnis EA di ranah game Asia sebenarnya sudah cukup menjanjikan. Belum lama ini mereka juga baru meluncurkan beberapa game online bergenre olahraga yang cukup popular, seperti EA Sports FIFA Online dan NBA Street Online.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

gainey ranch for

. Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Looking for a resort home? Stop searching too far. Considered the best resorts in Scottsdale, gainey ranch homes might be just the home you are looking for. At the heart of central Scottsdale is Gainey Ranch, the Hyatt Regency Gainey Ranch (considered to be one of the best resorts in Scottsdale) and the private 27 hole Gainey Ranch Golf Club. Gainey Ranch is a well-established community and all subdivisions are gated with twenty-four hour guards on duty. Lifestyle choices range from condominiums, town homes, patio homes to large estate homes. Amenities include The Estate Club, with a croquet court, several lighted tennis courts, fitness facility, lap pool and tennis pro shop. Close by is the Village Health Club.

Well I think I will consider in buying this current promotion from Holm Group. They are having the Gainey Ranch Real Estate for Sale now. There is a range of lifestyle choices range from condominiums, town homes, patio homes to large estate homes.

As long as I got enough money then I think I will go for the Arroyo course – The longest of the three, Arroyo is Spanish for “Dry River”. True to its name, a natural desert wash runs through the Arroyo nine. The problem is when now…. You can contact them at 480-206-4265 or visit their website at for more details.

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